Monday, December 12, 2011

Reflection #2 Chicago, Il vs Lima, Peru

The major climate control factors that make the climate in Chicano and Lima so different and so similar at the same time are latitude and the air-masses that are prevalent to each area.  The climatology graphs below show the temperature and precipitation patters of different cities as they co-relate with lattitude. All maps and graphs courtesy of: (

The above patterns can give an explanation to the difference in the climographs between Chicago and Lima. Their difference in latitude is a factor to the amount of sunshine each place receives and the the angle at which it receives sunlight in the summer and winter solstice. The higher the latitude the greater the difference in the in the sun angle resulting in the greater changes in temperature between the seasons. 

Another factor that makes the climates of these two places so different is the air masses that are prevalent in each area. In Chicago, the continental polar (cP) air mass that makes the bitter cold winter is replace by maritime tropical (mT) air mass that brings with it the mild temperature and a lot of precipitation. In contrast Lima does not get any of the maritime equatorial (mE) air-mass coming down from the Caribbeans because of the Andes to the east of the city, instead the colder weather is only relived by the retreating maritime polar (mP) air-mass. 

Air mass classifications (cities highlighted by stars) source:

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